In 2006

I have been away from amateur radio because of illness since April 2003.

I am now under medical treatment.But I have been on my mend.

Speaking about sunspot,it is going to be time of sunspot minimum

in the middle of 2007.So it is not good time to enjoy DX QSO now.

If you have a beam antenna and if happy chances serve,you may have

some DX QSOs.But I suppse the opportunity is a few and every ham operators

is waiting eagerly for the number of sunspot to increase.So am I.

It' time for me to get into good trim and to prepare for good time for DX QSO.

As my rig and antenna are so poor,I want to buy or put together a new rig

and a beam antenna.There is still time before solar cycle comes up.

I want to take time and to prepare for the next solar activity.

I would like all the visitors of this website to enjoy ham radio

and I hope your days are full of lots of good things.Thank you.
